Wednesday, 4 September 2013

To enjoy the last week of summer

It's the last week of the school holidays and we've been back from the lovely island for two weeks (already!). The warm summer has continued and over the last two weeks we've been to the cinema, to the outdoor swimming pool, to the London Zoo and also managed to fit in a couple of play dates and fun in the park.

Only a few days left and as a pre-birthday/end of holiday gift M got something she had wanted for a long time - hamsters! Instead of bigger one that we had intended we ended up with two dwarf hamsters, proudly named Moo and Sweetie (not sure if sisters or brothers but we do know they're the same sex...). Very very cute and even if I'm not a big fan of caged animals, nor "ratlike" creatures even I enjoy watching them running around. M is delighted and we thought it would be a bit easier to start with hamsters than a cat, in a flat...Also, one of my first pets was a hamster and I remember the excitement (even though he turned out to be a she and I all of a sudden had 6 more hamsters...).

I'll have a few weeks to ensure M is settling in with the new teacher and in Year 1 but I'll start working at the end of the month, new exciting contract work and after nearly four great summer months off, I'm looking forward to it! M is going to start swim school as well as try a gymnastics lesson this weekend - we're all set for the autumn term now. (And in true style, Christmas musical and ballet, and Christmas eve lunch are also booked...only 3 months to go!)

Last day at the beach on our island.

At the London Zoo...we did see some real animals too.

Moo and Sweetie are settling into their new home.

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