The time goes too quickly! Over two weeks since my last post and so much has happened...Our little girl is growing so fast. M lost her first tooth and the tooth fairy came during the night. We also decided to take M to the optician to check her eyes and she was prescribed reading glasses with a review in three months time. I was a bit worried that she wouldn't want to wear them at school, or that any of the school kids would say anything but she was so proud on Monday when she put them on for the first time and all I could hear from the kids were that they wanted glasses too. So far so good.
And I'm growing too, or at least in a different direction when it comes to my career. Leaving my job end of May to set up my own business. But then I had an interview today at a dream place. It's ironic that when you're not really looking something amazing comes up. Oh well, I will be happy either way. In terms of growing up, my 40th birthday party is also coming together and booked the key event today - less than 2 months to go.
And my little brother (the uncle mentioned in the previous post) can now start his PhD at the university (very proud of him) AND is off to Rio de Janeiro for a conference - can't believe he will get there before us! Still hoping we're able to travel to Brazil soon, but it's a big trip to organise, even though we have family there.
In all, a lot is going on but all good and exciting things. I'm looking forward to a summer where I don't have to be somewhere 9-5, and where I can take some time off to be with M, very likely at least 3 weeks in Sweden.
It was 20C today and we celebrated the summer weather with a picnic in our local park this evening. Finally summer doesn't seem too far away.
Thanks for the kind words! Soon it's time for SAMBA SAMBA SAMBA
Samba samba and jealous!