Monday, 26 November 2012

To be a bit nostalgic

My daughter got the box set of "Fem myror ar fler an fyra elefenater" last Christmas, a true Swedish treat from my brother who is as nostalgic as I am when it comes to children's programmes. Consider we didn't have a lot to choose from in Sweden in the 70s or 80s (the highlight of the week was 5 minutes of Woody Woodpecker or Tom & Jerry squeezed into a talk show) or Russian folk tales, silhouette style (don't ask),  "Five ants are more than four elephants" was therefore a real treat. It taught several generations to read too - of course it had to be something educational, Swedish style. Now as M has started to read and write, she loves watching this and I still remember most of the episodes and the songs. Ah, happy Swedish 70s childhood.


  1. Mina barn älskar också Fem myror. Till och med 3-åringen lär sig att räkna och alla bokstäver! Perfekt barnprogram!

    1. En klassiker, verkligen! :-) M var inte sa intresserad forra aret men nu pratar hon mer svenska sa da ar det nog lite roligare
