I don't easily give up on things but an IKEA gingerbread house became my nemesis today. I didn't even have to bake it, "just" glue it together. Oh well, it's not even 1st December so will have plenty of time.
Even M thought it was a good idea to throw it in the bin in the end so we did after having melted sugar for the second time and tried the super glue which didn't work either.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
To have some very special Christmas cards
For several years now, instead of buying Christmas cards and stamps, we have donated money to a good cause and we just sent e-cards instead. This year we changed our minds as of course we couldn't resist buying Christmas cards from our own daughter - designed by her and then printed. They do this via her school as a way of raise funds for the school (still charitable but tell me something they don't fundraise for here...). They arrived today and as we ended up buying quite a few, it was buy one get one free, these will be around for a long long time and M will probably be very ashamed when she's 13 and we're still sending these out for Christmas. We think they're adorable though.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
To see the end of November
November has always been a challenging month and it's not only the weather. At least it's been a few years since someone close decided it was time to leave this earth and move on, which has always happened in November. It has also been a time for reflection on current circumstances, leaving the old for something new, and even if painful at the time I wouldn't want to be without the experiences. I'm a firm believer in that things happen for a reason, even if we're not always able to see it that way, at that moment.
However, still coming to terms with that my parents weren't able to travel to London today for a weekend full of pre-Christmas celebrations. At least I have a whole cupboard full of mulled wine, loads of candles and a sparkly Christmas tree. You need to look on the bright side of life.
A few more days, then I'll be ready for some Christmas cheer.
However, still coming to terms with that my parents weren't able to travel to London today for a weekend full of pre-Christmas celebrations. At least I have a whole cupboard full of mulled wine, loads of candles and a sparkly Christmas tree. You need to look on the bright side of life.
A few more days, then I'll be ready for some Christmas cheer.
Monday, 26 November 2012
To be a bit nostalgic
My daughter got the box set of "Fem myror ar fler an fyra elefenater" last Christmas, a true Swedish treat from my brother who is as nostalgic as I am when it comes to children's programmes. Consider we didn't have a lot to choose from in Sweden in the 70s or 80s (the highlight of the week was 5 minutes of Woody Woodpecker or Tom & Jerry squeezed into a talk show) or Russian folk tales, silhouette style (don't ask), "Five ants are more than four elephants" was therefore a real treat. It taught several generations to read too - of course it had to be something educational, Swedish style. Now as M has started to read and write, she loves watching this and I still remember most of the episodes and the songs. Ah, happy Swedish 70s childhood.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
To be in heaven (or hell)
Well, I wouldn't really describe a visit to IKEA as being in heaven, or hell (even if my husband probably would) but after some bad news it was a little bit of heaven to be able to stock up on gingerbread biscuits, mulled wine a la saffron and candles, of course.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
To go to the first Christmas market
It was raining and it was very small but it was the first Christmas market of the year for us, and conveniently in our neighbourhood and hosted by The Alma, a local pub. Had some samples of the chef's apple sauce and chili sauce and it was delicious. Definitely booking a table there for next weekend. Also found some lovely handmade prints, crafted locally, so the first Christmas are gifts sorted. Went there with lovely Jo and there was also time for some hot chocolate and a chat. M was a bit disappointed as I think she'd expected a few Santas but there will be a Christmas Fair here next weekend, apparently with a fun fair, so think we'll take the grandparents there too for some fun.
To have breakfast in bed
I was allowed a long lie in and then my husband and daughter surprised me with breakfast in bed; a random (but lovely) selection of half eaten melon slice, coffee in our daughter's cup and a cinnamon bagel. And the lap top. Feeling very appreciated.
On top of this, I'm having breakfast in silence as my husband is entertaining our daughter with her favourite game where she pretends she's a cat. I think we need to get her a pet soon.
On top of this, I'm having breakfast in silence as my husband is entertaining our daughter with her favourite game where she pretends she's a cat. I think we need to get her a pet soon.
Friday, 23 November 2012
To have memories
Found this little treasure on the floor today. It should be tucked away safely on the bookshelf but think a certain little lady got interested. It's my paternal grandmother's "bookmark" album (not sure about translation here), neatly dated "1936" by my grandmother. Her parents passed away the year after, both within a year. She was 12 and moved in with her eldest sister. It breaks my heart. This was probably one of the few things she had left as a memory from her childhood before growing up too quickly. And now I'm the custodian of the album, which is resting on a bookshelf in a flat in London; to once again be admired by the great-granddaughter. A little bit of family history.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
To let the right light in
More light in the house in an attempt to chase away the November gloom. Found this lovely string of light which brightens up the bed room including my wedding veil and my first pair of shoes. I discovered that the bird cage is perfect as a lamp. Before I only stored empty wallets and jewellery boxes inside, not as pretty.
And hold on, we have even decorated the Christmas tree(!), it's us and the High Street now. Not ready to share a picture just yet. It's a mixture of 1950's style baubles and bright pink reindeers (daughter's choice) so will take some time to get used to. It is extremely early indeed but we can enjoy it for longer and now we're all prepared for the pre-Christmas celebration a la Swedish style next weekend.
But I've mainly been talking about artificial lights and candles, and cheerful and pretty as they are, what really cheers me up is having close family and friends around me when things feel a bit dark and it's not only because it happens to be November. For that I'm always grateful and it's always added to my "10-a-day grateful list". It's high up there with Christmas trees and candles.
PS. If you're not doing it already - be grateful for 10 things everyday (even if it's only for that you don't have to shave your toes) and things will certainly feel a little bit brighter, with or without candles.
And hold on, we have even decorated the Christmas tree(!), it's us and the High Street now. Not ready to share a picture just yet. It's a mixture of 1950's style baubles and bright pink reindeers (daughter's choice) so will take some time to get used to. It is extremely early indeed but we can enjoy it for longer and now we're all prepared for the pre-Christmas celebration a la Swedish style next weekend.
But I've mainly been talking about artificial lights and candles, and cheerful and pretty as they are, what really cheers me up is having close family and friends around me when things feel a bit dark and it's not only because it happens to be November. For that I'm always grateful and it's always added to my "10-a-day grateful list". It's high up there with Christmas trees and candles.
PS. If you're not doing it already - be grateful for 10 things everyday (even if it's only for that you don't have to shave your toes) and things will certainly feel a little bit brighter, with or without candles.
Monday, 19 November 2012
To chase away the grey
A bit early for Swedish Advent stars and "candles" but after a grey day, not only referring to the weather, we needed to cheer ourselves up a little. Stars in every window as well as in the hallway, as there weren't enough windows.
My parents arrive next week and we're going to have a pre-Christmas celebration which means I can buy the Christmas tree extra early this year. I love real Christmas trees but this might be the year when we check out an artificial one, just so it will last till the New Year. And to finally give in and accept that my parents are allergic (they've been suffering year after year as my brothers and I always won the real tree vs artificial tree battle, 3 against 2 - or threatened with not coming home at all...)
My parents arrive next week and we're going to have a pre-Christmas celebration which means I can buy the Christmas tree extra early this year. I love real Christmas trees but this might be the year when we check out an artificial one, just so it will last till the New Year. And to finally give in and accept that my parents are allergic (they've been suffering year after year as my brothers and I always won the real tree vs artificial tree battle, 3 against 2 - or threatened with not coming home at all...)
Sunday, 18 November 2012
To try something new
We're creatures of habit but sometimes we go wild and try something new - like a new kind of potato. This one's called "apache" and is just beautiful, and a roasted version is yum as we just discovered.
Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday!
To have fun
Birthday party, the first one with the new class and lots of fun at the School of gymnastics.
The sweetheart didn't stay still enough to be captured properly on camera. Got to know a few more of the parents, had a good catch up with a few others and exchanged phone number with Sweetheart's mum (American and very nice) so think M will be very happy as she has asked for a play date for a while and they have also talked about marriage. We'd better get to know his parents.
The sweetheart didn't stay still enough to be captured properly on camera. Got to know a few more of the parents, had a good catch up with a few others and exchanged phone number with Sweetheart's mum (American and very nice) so think M will be very happy as she has asked for a play date for a while and they have also talked about marriage. We'd better get to know his parents.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
To have a day full of play
Yesterday, after school we invited a friend (same school, different site and an "old" nursery friend which we just reconnected with) and her mum to our house for play and Swedish waffles. Eliza's mum works with conservation of listed buildings so for someone like me, with an interest in history, ethnology, and art/architecture we shared a lot of interests. We both got very excited about Dr Lucy Worsley and her domestic history series...Luckily the little girls got on really well too.
And today we had two play dates; one Swedish mum and her daughter I just got to know (Internet forums are a wonderful thing sometimes) came around and had coffee at ours and then went to the park for a walk and some (big) leaf picking.
In the afternoon we were invited to another friend's house; someone I saw a lot of when we're on maternity leave and got to know then but haven't met up with for two years(!). The girls played really well and we had a lovely time. I was finally introduced to her husband, who's Swedish, and his dad who was also visiting - and happened to have worked as surgeon at my old local hospital back in Sweden. It's a small world. We're now planning to have a Swedish mulled wine Christmas party which I'm looking forward too. If I'm really lucky my husband will agree to go to IKEA tonight so I can get some gingerbread snaps (pepparkakor) to help me get into the mood.
And today we had two play dates; one Swedish mum and her daughter I just got to know (Internet forums are a wonderful thing sometimes) came around and had coffee at ours and then went to the park for a walk and some (big) leaf picking.
In the afternoon we were invited to another friend's house; someone I saw a lot of when we're on maternity leave and got to know then but haven't met up with for two years(!). The girls played really well and we had a lovely time. I was finally introduced to her husband, who's Swedish, and his dad who was also visiting - and happened to have worked as surgeon at my old local hospital back in Sweden. It's a small world. We're now planning to have a Swedish mulled wine Christmas party which I'm looking forward too. If I'm really lucky my husband will agree to go to IKEA tonight so I can get some gingerbread snaps (pepparkakor) to help me get into the mood.
Friday, 16 November 2012
To wear a silly hat
Third day and it's still all about "charidee sweetie". Today we've been asked to bring a silly hat and £1 to school for the cause of Children in Need. I have to admit I didn't fully engage (as spent Thursday evening with an old school friend who happened to be in London) but luckily I could dig out a few things from my daughter's "dressing up box" last night without too much effort. She said she would have preferred one with pom poms and why didn't I make one... Hope it's silly enough or else she will be a child in need.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
To do a bit of good
As we're not seeing family over Christmas and staying in London I decided to finally do something I have wanted for 20 years - signing up to volunteer for a homelessness charity over Christmas. I will spend 2 days at one of CRISIS' centres for Rough Sleepers. Watch this space!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012
To feel a bit British
At this time in November, not only is it bonfire night and fireworks, or Diwali (which M has been talking about all week as it's the theme of the week at school) , it's also the time when you see a lot of people wearing a red poppy on their lapels. It took me a few years before I felt British enough to sport one as well.
Most of them are made of paper which you fasten with a needle which I tend to drop after just a few days. But this year I found a knitted version, as a brooch. The the sweet elderly man who sold it to me said his wife had made it. And very environmentally friendly too as I can now wear it year after year. Perhaps not so good for the fundraising, even though I'm sure I will spare a few pounds next year as well, to feel a bit British. And for the good cause, naturally.
Most of them are made of paper which you fasten with a needle which I tend to drop after just a few days. But this year I found a knitted version, as a brooch. The the sweet elderly man who sold it to me said his wife had made it. And very environmentally friendly too as I can now wear it year after year. Perhaps not so good for the fundraising, even though I'm sure I will spare a few pounds next year as well, to feel a bit British. And for the good cause, naturally.
To make a lot of soup and not having much else to say
Had butternut squash and some sweet potatoes that had been around for some time. Don't like wasting food and ended up with two different kinds of soup that will last for a long time. One of the best things with autumn - soup (and candles of course).
Sunday, 11 November 2012
To long for Christmas
Couldn't resist these little cuties in Sainsburys(!) - the little reindeer found its way home last time we went shopping, and now we decided that the little one needed a Mum/Dad. Might change the gingham ribbon to a white one but will have plenty of time before Christmas to decide. I have already now started to check out our "Christmas stock" to ensure we have got everything we need. This year we'll celebrate Christmas in London; we tend to alter between London, Sweden and Portugal.
I have always loved Christmas, and the time leading up to it. As a child I was obsessed with Christmas (my brother and I even had a Christmas Club located in one our wardrobes - more to explore on that one). One Christmas my parents had to follow Astrid Lindgren's Christmas in the Noisy Village by the book, literally. The "Bullerby Christmas" was my ideal Christmas. For example, the Christmas tree had to be decorated by my parents, so when I came down in my nightgown on the morning of Christmas eve (in Sweden this is the big day) the tree would be ready in all its glory. We didn't do that again as I missed decorating the tree...and hiding my brother's ugly homemade stuff as low down as possible.
Only about 6 weeks to go. And I still have the book. It was, and still is, very loved.
To have apple pie
My Portuguese in-laws are here for dinner. I didn't have to cook as my mother in law brought her lovely homemade lasagna. So I hope I can impress them with my homemade Swedish Apple pie ( I sneaked in two pears as well, will see if anyone notices).
Saturday, 10 November 2012
To have a sweet tooth
The weekly food shopping done and it's time for dinner, wine and chocolate - highlight of the week.
We said to M that she could choose a bag or sweets or some chocolates in the supermarket but she said she didn't need any as she had already picked out some (i.e. dried fruit snacks). How healthy! We haven't been very strict when it comes to sweets but then she prefers olives, cucumbers and fruit...Don't get me wrong, she has sweets as well but somehow it doesn't seem as important to her as After Eight is to me. Or cheese.
I have a special relationship with After Eight. Must be something to do with childhood memories as my parents always had After Eight at their parties in the good old 70's. They used to have friends over, and I remember one of them clearly as he was a dentist, always wearing tartan trousers, and only ever allowed us (the kids) to chew sugarfree chewing gum (Sorbits, just the name...) that he brought in big tubs - meanwhile the adults were having After Eights. The next day I always foraged for that last hidden After Eight thin in the box and how lucky I felt if I did find one. If I wasn't as lucky I just had to comfort myself with the smell of the wrapping paper.
To now to be able to buy my own box of After Eight is one of those little things I get pleasure from. (It's the same story with Cadbury Fingers). And I haven't had Sorbits since. I'm also making sure history is repeated minus the Sorbits.
We said to M that she could choose a bag or sweets or some chocolates in the supermarket but she said she didn't need any as she had already picked out some (i.e. dried fruit snacks). How healthy! We haven't been very strict when it comes to sweets but then she prefers olives, cucumbers and fruit...Don't get me wrong, she has sweets as well but somehow it doesn't seem as important to her as After Eight is to me. Or cheese.
I have a special relationship with After Eight. Must be something to do with childhood memories as my parents always had After Eight at their parties in the good old 70's. They used to have friends over, and I remember one of them clearly as he was a dentist, always wearing tartan trousers, and only ever allowed us (the kids) to chew sugarfree chewing gum (Sorbits, just the name...) that he brought in big tubs - meanwhile the adults were having After Eights. The next day I always foraged for that last hidden After Eight thin in the box and how lucky I felt if I did find one. If I wasn't as lucky I just had to comfort myself with the smell of the wrapping paper.
To now to be able to buy my own box of After Eight is one of those little things I get pleasure from. (It's the same story with Cadbury Fingers). And I haven't had Sorbits since. I'm also making sure history is repeated minus the Sorbits.
Friday, 9 November 2012
To have Friday
We get home early on a Friday as I can pick up M straight after school, I also work from home that day.
Lego was on the menu today.
Lego was on the menu today.
Monday, 5 November 2012
To have a bit of Monday fun
For the first time as a family we went to enjoy Bonfire night (in Crystal Palace Park - better point that out as to not mistake it for Paris, or that we somehow were involved in the remake of War of the Worlds).
I asked Maya today if they had talked about it at school, as to why we celebrate Bonfire night/Guy Fawkes night as I have to Google it every year to remember - not something we celebrate in Sweden. She just said it was best to have the fireworks in the dark, and not in the morning... It's really nice though to have a bit of fireworks and some mulled wine in early November, when Christmas still seems a bit far away.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
To have dim sum
A lazy Sunday, grey and cold, a perfect day for dim sum and noodles at our local Vietnamese bistro, Urban Orient. Tasty and "happy food" surrounded by lovely bric-a-brac, perfect. It was appreciated after a day of Lego-playing and food shopping.
Time to enjoy the afternoon, it's already dark but we have candles, coffee, home made Swedish buns and a fridge/cupboard full of food - and best of all, 90 minutes of Downton Abbey to look forward to! Life is good. And on a Sunday afternoon I feel a bit extra grateful for the small things which are when you think about it, not so small.
Time to enjoy the afternoon, it's already dark but we have candles, coffee, home made Swedish buns and a fridge/cupboard full of food - and best of all, 90 minutes of Downton Abbey to look forward to! Life is good. And on a Sunday afternoon I feel a bit extra grateful for the small things which are when you think about it, not so small.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
To be near the dinos
We have a lovely park nearby, just a few minutes walk from our house. Not everyone has got Victorian dinosaurs as neighbours. There is also a playground, a cafe, a lake and a small farm - great for a few hours of outdoor fun with the little one.
Friday, 2 November 2012
To have a day at home
Day off work and we've been quite productive; baking Swedish style buns, and clearing up all that mess (instead of mushroom stuffing).
The sun is shining so we'll soon be off to the park for some fun and fresh air - as fresh as it gets in London.
The sun is shining so we'll soon be off to the park for some fun and fresh air - as fresh as it gets in London.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
To stuff a mushroom, or not
You can tell a certain little person has been at home all week...Oh well, life's too short to stuff a mushroom (one of my favourite quotes - thank you Catherine!)
No (office) work tomorrow - but who am I kidding, look at this mess! Better go and buy some mushrooms. And now it's time to hit the hay.
No (office) work tomorrow - but who am I kidding, look at this mess! Better go and buy some mushrooms. And now it's time to hit the hay.
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